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FULL English Course Self Study by Cambridge Institute

For 11.00 BD Instead of 95.00 BD



11.00 BD


95.00 BD




Can you imagine to speak a good level of English in 9 months?

Now is possible with this package

You will have access to all the levels from the initial (A1) to the most advanced (C2), until the end of the contracted time (9 months) In this product your limit is time and not the courses.

Schedules: The platform is open and available to students 24 hours a day, 365 days a year during 9 months.

The training program includes:

-Level test. It is carried out before the start of the course and serves to let the student know their level and guides him to the starting point of their training.

- Learning Material. The online courses are carried out through the different digital platforms, allowing the student to access the contents through any support: computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc., thus facilitating access to all their training from anywhere.

-Course content. You can study anywhere, anytime from level A1 to C2. You will have unlimited access for 9 months to all the material.
Throughout the course three language skills are addressed: oral comprehension, use of language and written comprehension.

The units of each modules offer different topics, whose complexity is increased depending on the level of English that is reaching the student.
The platform has original texts and audios, created expressly by the Cambridge Institute teaching team in order to facilitate learning by students. In addition, each course offers different types of exercises, mainly questions with alternatives, which are automatically corrected by the system and the student can verify the correct answers immediately.
Unlike the general English course, among its benefits is not the support of a tutor by correcting development exercises such as audio recordings or essays, or online chat.

The only limit you have is: 9 months

Pay: 11 BHD per  person/ per course. Instead of 95 BHD 


Inscription:              Starting:

19.02.2019                22.02.2019

01.03.2019                26.02.2019

19.03.2019                22.03.2019


Coupon validity start date : 2020-08-01
Coupon validity expiration date : 2021-01-31

  • The course is not transferable and can be used only once, but you can buy more as gifts.
  • How it works?
    • To get your course, fill out the online form: HERE
    • On the same day the course begins, the Cambridge Institute will contact each student by email to give them the keys and instructions for accessing the platform.
  • No refunds once activated the course.

Few days before starting the course Cambridge Institute will contact you and give you usernames and passwords to the online course and ensure the exact schedule of videoconferencing classes.

About the deal and the company

The Company

Cambridge Institute, with a reputable experience and international coverage, is a private educational center specialized in language training, mainly English, Spanish, French and German. Its work methodology is a guaranteed success for students who decide to join our training programs. Apart from delivering quality, innovative courses, our institution provides students with personalized lesson plans tailored to their level and goals.

Throughout its history, Cambridge Institute has received several acknowledgements and has signed agreements as cooperating partner. They are the following:

  • TOIEC official test center. TOIEC evaluates the ability of non-native English speakers to listen, read, speak and write in English within a work environment.
  • Test center in Spain, authorized by the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry International Qualifications


Cambridge Institute
Plaza Espa?a, 16. Madrid
0 Madrid

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